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Don’t hesitate to complain about cyber attacks

Today’s Editorial Because

Don’t hesitate to complain about cyber attacks

Don’t hesitate to complain about cyber attacks .Everyone is well aware of this but often we cover everything up .How society thinks is still a mental disorder inside us.

Those involved in cyber attacks should not hesitate to lodge a complaint with the police. A large section of the society has started using the Internet in the special situation that has emerged since Kovid. There is a growing proportion of cybercrime exploiting people who are technically ignorant.

It is believed that cyber attackers can eliminate such problems only if they report the incident to the police without fear and fear will only increase cyber exploitation.

As online classes have increased, children have begun to use the Internet more widely. The Internet, which has many ways to mislead children, must have parental supervision when they use it.

There are many scams waiting for kids on the internet that we do not expect. Do not use apps that share photos, videos without clearly understanding it.
Parents need to find time to understand their children’s moods and ask them questions.

If we do not have time to ask, then we understand that cyber eagles are waiting to exploit children at that time.

See you tomorrow with another topic Thanks

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